Teammate Spotlight: Nicolas Nadeau

Have you ever wondered what it takes to empower bakery operators or bakery teams? We pondered this same question and discovered a team built on diversity of thought and the collaboration of various life experiences is the formula for a winning team. Our teammate spotlight blog is the corner of our site where we highlight our team, what inspires them, and what they enjoy about working at AMF. Keep reading to learn more about AMF Sherbrooke MBS Leader Nicolas Nadeau.
How long have you been at AMF Sherbrooke?
I’ve been at AMF since the acquisition of Convay Systems in 2000. At that time, I continued my role as a product owner, the position I had been in since 1993 with ETMW. Just after the transition, I helped transfer engineering and manufacturing to Sherbrooke installations. After that, I spent the next 12 years as the product owner of a line of baskets, cases, washers, bottles, and can warmers for the soft drink industry.
What is your role and what gets you excited about AMF?
In 2012, I got an opportunity to transfer to our operation’s production side and work as a foreman for the assembly and machine shop departments. It was a fruitful time, and I learned a lot during that period. I received a promotion to Sherbrooke Markel Business System Leader (MBSL) in January 2020. There has been a lot of collaboration in the last year, and I enjoy helping teammates grow into their career paths.
What has been your most memorable experience at AMF?
One of the best things about AMF is that the diversity of my roles have allowed me to stay motivated and passionate about what we do. The most memorable thing that I have experienced here was an order we received in 2008 for an intermediate proofer that did not exist in our sales catalog at that time. Adding to the challenge was the fact that its final destination was in China. That project allowed us to design a piece
of equipment from scratch. It was an enriching experience.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
My wife and I enjoy riding motorcycles to see places we have never visited before in our free time. It’s something we enjoy doing together and allows us to feel free! For example, in the Province of Quebec, she and I love and would recommend taking a drive along the St-Lawrence and Saguenay Rivers to experience the beautiful scenery.