target seeder
apex target seeder buns
apex target seeder buns
target seeder
apex target seeder buns
apex target seeder buns
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Target Seeder

AMF Tromp’s unique Target Seeder system precisely strews seeds and other toppings at high speeds for industrial bun lines. When dispensing toppings only on the products and not on the pan, the traveling system does not slow down line performance.

Product Applications

The AMF Tromp Target Seeder helps create a variety of products, including buns, rolls, hamburger buns, kaiser rolls, and QSR buns by dispensing sesame seeds, poppy seeds, bran, & corn.

Key Features

apex target seeder


Instantly save on raw ingredients like seeds with the best strewing equipment on the market. The Tromp Target Seeder can help you simultaneously achieve a rapid ROI and your production facility’s sustainability goals.

Accurate and targeted strewing on buns minimizes spillage on baking trays and pans.

Fixed frame with secure fencing

Operated by touch screen

Adjustable speed drives

Optional decorative water splitting of buns

Water spray nozzle system included

Automatic feeding system for seeds from big bag or bin

Additional Media

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apex target seeder