decojet robot
decojet robot
decojet robot
decojet robot
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Decojet Robot

The Tromp Decojet Robot for water scoring and splitting helps bakeries create water cuts in proofed dough by use of an industrial robot. Scoring a bread, bun, or baguette in a bake tray or on the belt has never been easier and more precise. The robot works very accurately and is productive during every hour of your production.

Product Applications

The AMF Tromp Decojet is a uniform water splitting or scoring device for proofed doughs like soft bread, buns, rolls, baguettes, demi-baguettes, artisan bread, and petit pain.

Additional Media

For creative, flexible, and adjustable water scoring applications, this robot arm with Decojet provides a unique solution. When requiring many changeovers per day, quick adjustable tooling, and always “on” capacity, this could be your new employee.

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